Thursday, February 28, 2008

Regrettable Advertising Campaigns

As I was brainstorming for our third project, I began looking through this great book: The Gallery of Regrettable Food. It mocks the most unfortunate of American classic recipes like the salmon tart salad or the south-of-the-border cheesy meatloaf. He also has a web site:, where he has an extensive archive of absurd advertising campaigns from the past hundred years. While the ads are funny, his dry, witty commentary is hilarious.

1 comment:

Musings from Me said...

What a great ad! Clearly from our politically incorrect earlier years. "Short" and "fat" in the same ad! Unheard of in 2008.
It is funny to think of adults wearing Osh Kosh...when I think of this brand I think of the 5 years and under set.