Monday, March 31, 2008

Soul'd but not out- April 8 @ 7:00

I also wanted to let you all know about an AIGA event, which I was in charge of putting together. It is at the new-ish restaurant Marvin downtown and will feature a panel of indie/DIY designers/artists/musicians/gallery owners. Each speaker has pushed the bounds of what it means to be a designer and an artist.  Check out the website for more info!


Stephanie said...

This event sounds like a fun blend of many great worlds. If I'm not too bogged down with school/work then I hope to go! (not sure what the chances of that are.)

Kudos to you for helping out on such a cool event.

Mandy M said...

Nice job working on this event. Thanks for letting us know about it. Doubt I'll make it out there on Tuesday, but I'll certainly try. Good luck with the rest of planning it!